
European Breakfast Day

Hoje celebra-se, na Europa, o dia do pequeno-almoço - 24 de Abril.

"As famílias europeias, muitas vezes com estilos de vida agitados com deslocações, trabalho e compromissos domésticos, ficam com muito pouco tempo para se concentrarem na dieta, exercício físico e os hábitos alimentares da família.

É por isso que os membros da companha "Breakfast is Best" decidiram lançar o Dia Europeu do Pequeno-almoço, de forma a aumentar a sensibilização de todos os europeus para os benefícios do pequeno-almoço, também apoiados a nível nacional."

Para saber mais: 
http://www.breakfastisbest.eu/index.html ou http://www.breakfastisbest.eu/docs/traducao-PT.pdf


Great way to start my day - porridge breakfast

Porridge is very satisfying and good, especially when served with fruit.Made by boiling cereal meals in water, milk, or both. What's more, porridge oats are cheap to buy, and better for you than sugar-coated cereal. 

great way to start my day! 


Alcohol units and guidelines

The lower risk daily guidelines

It can be a bit tricky to understand and remember how much alcohol is in drinks, and how this can affect our health. The lower risk guidelines can help with this. All you really need to do, if you choose to drink, is to stick within the guidelines below. There’s one for women and one for men.
No one can say that drinking alcohol is absolutely safe, but by keeping within these guidelines, there’s only a low risk of causing harm in most circumstances.



Should not regularly* drink more than:
Women can have 2-3 units a day
That’s no more than a standard 175ml glass of wine (ABV 13%)
Men can have 3-4 units a day
That’s not much more than a pint of strong lager, beer or cider (ABV 5.2%)
* "Regularly" means drinking this amount most days or every day.

Counting the units

Once you’ve got the hang of the lower-risk guidelines, then check how many units are in your usual tipple. “ABV” means the percentage of alcohol in the drink and you can often find this information on the side of the bottle or can. The amount of alcohol in drinks can vary quite widely, and it’s worth looking for versions of your favourite drinks that have less alcohol , which can also be cheaper and often have less calories.

Glass of red, white or rose wine (ABV 13%)

Small 125ml
small 125ml glass = 1.6 units
Standard 175ml
standard 175ml glass = 2.3 units
Large 250ml
large 250ml glass = 3.3 units

750ml bottle of red, white or rose wine(ABV 13.5%)

10 units per bottle

Beer, lager and cider

Regular (ABV 4%)
regular lager = 1.8 unitsregular pint = 2.3 units
Strong (ABV 5.2%)
strong lager = 2.2 unitsstrong pint = 3 units
Extra strong (ABV 8%)
extra strong lager = 3.5 unitsextra strong pint = 4.5 pints

Other drinks (ABV varies)

25ml single spirit and mixer
(ABV 40%)
1 units
275ml bottle of alcopop
(ABV 5.5%)
1.5 units

check for yourself and see original file http://www.nhs.uk/change4life/pages/alcohol-lower-risk-guidelines-units.aspx